by Doctor L | Feb 20, 2014 | Las Vegas Travel Tips
In all of the excitement of anticipating a visit to Vegas, things like proper planning are still of the utmost importance, including packing. If you are planning, or thinking about planning, an upcoming stay in Las Vegas, this is a detailed guide of what to bring, and...
by Doctor L | Feb 14, 2014 | Concierge Doctors
Rarely does a tourist need to ask where to get a shot of Jim Beam. But what about penicillin? In a city whose reputation for partying far overshadows that of medical attention, Joe and Jane tourist are left in a bit of a quandary when the shingles flare up or the...
by Doctor L | Feb 11, 2014 | Health Tips, Las Vegas Travel Tips
Disturbed sleep, daytime fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and even stomach problems are a fact of life for those who travel often. Known as jet lag, this feeling occurs any time you travel quickly across two or more time zones. The more time zones you cross, the...
by Doctor L | Feb 11, 2014 | Health Tips, Las Vegas Travel Tips
You made it! You are in town and ready for another exciting Las Vegas convention. Make sure it’s a successful convention by staying healthy during your trip. Here are some tips on staying healthy and active while in Las Vegas. Pre-travel Time for the immune...
by Doctor L | Feb 1, 2014 | Las Vegas Travel Tips
Many people come to Las Vegas for entertainment but a significant percentage of people come to gamble (8%). This according to the Las Vegas Convention Authorities 2012 Las Vegas Visitor Profile. Not everyone has to be a loser and with some basic strategy every casino...