Relaxing Things to Do in Las Vegas

It’s no secret, if you’ve been on a plane to Las Vegas you can feel the excitement while it’s in the air, people are excited, happy, planning their activities. If you’ve been on a plane out of Las Vegas…it’s almost comical. This...

Facing the facts: The causes of acne and how to treat it

The occasional pimple that always seems to crop up right before that first date or big job interview is a rather inconvenient nuisance, but those who live with acne face a constant battle with their skin and can suffer a great deal of insecurity as a result. The Mayo...

Controlling Diabetes

For anyone who has received a diagnosis of diabetes, it can be devastating news that requires changes to your lifestyle and habits. Although diabetes comes with many symptoms, there are ways to manage the condition and reduce the effects of the ailment with time. To...

Nevada Health Statistics

According to the United Health Foundation’s 24th annual America’s Health Rankings, Nevada ranks 37th among all 50 states. The good news is it could always be worse, while the bad news is… it isn’t getting any better. Nevada finds itself in the...

Food to Eat When Sick

In a previous post we discussed which foods to avoid when sick. In this article we will discuss some of the good foods and one specific one we love. If you happen to catch a cold or worse, the flu, a healthy diet is essential in helping you recover faster. Here are...